Once upon a time, I got this from Andy Arvai:

What if the Image Window doesn't refresh correctly under NX?

This is a bug in NX and should be fixed in newer versions of the NX server.

Depending on the version of NX you have try adding one of the following options:

    AgentExtraOptions="-defer 0"

    AGENT_EXTRA_OPTIONS_X="-defer 0"

If this doesn't work try setting the Link Type to "LAN". This may be slower, 
but may also work.

Finally, try using "adxv -nopixmap"


-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 5/3/2014 2:34 PM, Cedric Govaerts wrote:
Hi all,

I'm currently trying to collect data remotely (me sitting at home, crystals at Diamond Light Source). This involves accessing the beamline computer system via a NX machine system, thus opening a virtual desktop of the remote machine on my local computer (PC running W7)

Now, I'm trying to look at the images via ADXV, which works fine on site, but close to impossible here. When I load the file in ADXV the main window is white, no images (all the menus are alive, it's reacting to the position of the pointer, giving resolution etc...).

Sometimes (but not always!), I can see the image once I've dragged another window onto the ADVX window, this seems to refresh it and then I can work with it fine. But as of now, that happens very only rarely... thus I cannot see my images..

Is there a trick/workaround ?

Thanks... (beamtime is running by..)


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