Scientific computing's future: Can any coding language top a 1950s

   Cutting-edge research still universally involves Fortran; a trio of
   challengers wants in.


Includes a JPEG image of a Hollerith card for the younguns who have never seen one.

"Julia may be the first language since Fortran created specifically with scientific number crunching in mind."

"Fortran has been consistently regarded as the fastest language available for numerical work, and it remains the standard used for comparatively benchmarking supercomputers. But what does it mean for a language to be fast?"

"Julia's published benchmarks <> show it performing close to or slightly worse than C, and Fortran, as usual, performing better than C for most tasks."

"The epigraph that opens this article notwithstanding, there is a reasonable chance that the language of choice for scientific computing in another decade will be called "Julia.""


All Things Serve the Beam
                               David J. Schuller
                               modern man in a post-modern world
                               MacCHESS, Cornell University

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