Hi Yarrow,

If Dale said that, he probably wasn’t saying what he meant clearly enough!  The 
NCS 2-fold axis has to be parallel to the crystallographic 2-fold (screw) axis 
to generate tNCS.  In your case, the NCS is a 2-fold approximately parallel to 
the y-axis, but it’s nearly 9 degrees away from being parallel to y.  That 
explains why the Patterson peak is so small, and there will be very little 
disruption from the statistical effects of tNCS.

The anisotropy could be an issue.  It might be interesting to look at the 
R-factors for the stronger subset of the data.  It can make sense to apply an 
elliptical cutoff of the data using the anisotropy server (though Garib says 
that having systematically incomplete data can create problems for Refmac), but 
I hope you’re not using the anisotropically scaled data for refinement.  The 
determination of the anisotropic B-factors by Phaser without a model 
(underlying the anisotropy server) will not be as accurate as what Refmac or 
phenix.refine can do with a model.

Finally, as Phil Evans always says, the space group is just a hypothesis, so 
you should always be willing to go back and look at the evidence for the space 
group if something doesn’t work as expected.

Best wishes,

Randy Read

Randy J. Read
Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research    Tel: +44 1223 336500
Wellcome Trust/MRC Building                         Fax: +44 1223 336827
Hills Road                                                            E-mail: 
Cambridge CB2 0XY, U.K.                               

On 8 May 2014, at 18:11, Yarrow Madrona <amadr...@uci.edu> wrote:

> Hello CCP4 community,
> I am stumped and would love some help. I have a molecular replacement 
> solution that has Rfree stuck around 40% while Rwork is aorund 30%. The model 
> is actually the same enzyme with a similar inhibitor bound. Relevant 
> information is below.
> -Yarrow
> I have solved a structure in a P21 spacegroup:
> 51.53 88.91 89.65, beta = 97.1.
> Processing stats (XDS) are very good with low Rmerge (~5% overall) and good 
> completeness.
> I don't think twinning is an option with these unit cell dimensions. My data 
> was highly aniosotropic. I ran the data through the UCLA anisotropic server 
> to scale in the B- direction (http://services.mbi.ucla.edu/anisoscale/)
> I get a small (a little over 5) patterson peak suggesting there is not much 
> t-NCS to worry about. However, the output structure does have 2 fold symmetry 
> (see below) and as Dale Tronrud pointed out, there is always tNCS in a P21 
> space group with two monomers related by a 2-fold axis.
> I calculated the translation to be unit cell fractions of 0.36 0.35, 0.32.
> rota_matrix   -0.9860   -0.1636   -0.0309
> rota_matrix   -0.1659    0.9511    0.2605
> rota_matrix   -0.0132    0.2620   -0.9650
> tran_orth      34.3310  -24.0033  107.0457
> center_orth   15.7607    7.2426   77.7512
> Phaser stats:
>   SOLU SET  RFZ=20.3 TFZ=19.5 PAK=0 LLG=1314 RF++ TFZ=63.8 PAK=0 LLG=4745 
> LLG=4947

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