Dear all,

Following on from the CCP4BB posting about the release of update 15 we would 
like to highlight a few points
about BLEND and encourage you to try it out should you have multi crystal data 
that needs analysing:

1) the software needs the R package to be installed on your system. This is
    free (GNU) and easy to install:
    Dependency from R will be soon eliminated and users will be informed through
    the update mechanism.

2) This is very new software, dealing with a more and more prominent class of 
data collection
     from multiple crystals. BLEND has worked well on many data sets to date 
but less
     well on others. Like many programs for crystallography, improvements for
     this software are very much dependent on users feedback. We know how 
     your time is, but strongly encourage you to send us critical issues, 
comments and
     requests. Ultimately these will help guide BLEND's development.

3) We are always available to assist with your data processing while using 
     You can send requests for help via the CCP4 BB or, if you prefer, directly 
to the
     program authors:

                  James Foadi:<> or<>
              Gwyndaf Evans:<>

We hope BLEND can help you with the analysis of your multiple data sets.

Best wishes,
Gwyndaf Evans and James Foadi


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