
The research group of Dr. Reza Khayat at the City College of 
New York (www.khayatlab.org) is seeking candidate postdoctoral 
fellows to study host pathogen interaction using a combination 
of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), X-ray crystallography, 
biophysics and biochemistry. The research group is 
particularly interested in elucidating the structural 
mechanism by which enveloped and nonenveloped viruses and 
bacteriophages interact with their hosts to: acquire cellular 
entry, hijack cellular machinery, disassemble, replicate, 
assemble and egress. The group is also interested in 
determining the mechanism by which host antibodies and 
synthetic DNA aptamers neutralize the viruses.

The group has dedicated access to a JEOL 2100 and Zeiss EM902 
for grid preparation and screening, and to the resources at 
the New York Structural Biology Center (NYSBC) that include 
facilities for cryo-EM grid and sample preparation, JEOL 
3200FSC, Tecnai F20, JEOL 2100F, JEOL 1230 and a FEI Helios 
650. The group also has dedicated access to state-of-art 
instrumentation to be housed at the Advanced Science and 
Research Center (ASRC). Both NYSBC and ASRC are located in 
adjacent buildings and within five minute walking distance 
from the laboratory (GPS: 40.815927, -73.951201).

The group has open access to multiple Gryphon LCP robots for 
conducting crystallization experiments at multiple 
temperatures, Alchemist DT for screen optimization, and 
Minstrel HT for crystal imaging and data storage. The group 
shares the following instrumentation: microplate readers, ITC, 
DLS, CD, and bioreactors.

Candidates must have a Ph.D., be highly motivated, exhibit 
independence, and have experience with protein purification. 
Salary will be competitive for the NYC area and be 
commensurate with experience and prior success. Please send a 
cover letter, CV, and the names with contact information for 
three references to rkha...@ccny.cuny.edu.

Best wishes,

Reza Khayat, PhD
Assistant Professor
The City College of New York
Department of Chemistry, MR-1135
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY  10031
Tel. (212) 650-6070

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