Dear CCP4BB community,

we inform that the deadline for applications to the INSTRUCT Training Course 
ISBio2014 has now been extended to June 10. 

Integrative Structural Biology tools for the study of protein-ligand 

The course will take place at FCT-Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, in the campus of 
Caparica, Portugal, from 6-12 October 2014 


APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 10, 2014 (attendance is limited to 16 participants; 
PhD students and young Post-docs will be given priority) 

OBJECTIVE OF THE COURSE: to illustrate the added value of a structural biology 
approach to the study of protein-ligand interactions by combining four core 
methodologies, X-ray Crystallography, NMR, Carbohydrate Microarrays and ITC 
from a hands-on perspective, giving emphasis to their limitations and 
To achieve this, and to better illustrate the integrative context, the students 
will receive training by working in a study-case, a protein that recognizes and 
binds to carbohydrates, which will be the focus of the several complementary 
methodologies. Besides the hands-on training there will be theory lectures 
where the main theoretical aspects of each technique will be explained always 
with an emphasis on the complementarity with the other techniques.

APPLICATIONS AND COURSE FEE: The detailed registration info and the online 
application form are available at

Fee is €350 and includes attendance, course documentation, coffee breaks (all 
course days), lunches (all course days), course dinner (Oct 7) and 
accommodation (single room inc. breakfast in Lisboa Almada Hotel; check-in: Oct 
5; check-out: Oct 12).


Please, forward this information to anyone who might be interested. 

We are looking forward to welcome you in Caparica (and the beaches nearby...)

Best regards, 
The Organizers
Ana Luisa Carvalho & Eurico Cabrita

Assistant Researcher of Associate Lab REQUIMTE/CQFB@FCT-UNL
Biologia Estrutural - Cristalografia de Raios-X (Gab 6.34)
Dep. Quimica, FCT-UNL
2829-516 Caparica
Phone: 00351212948300 (ext: Gab: 10940; Lab: 10962; X-ray Lab: 10915)
Fax: 00351212948550

INSTRUCT Training Course in Caparica, from 6 to 12 October: ISBio2014  
(registration open until June, 1st) 

Visit the Portuguese Centre for Integrated Structural Biology: and learn how you can benefit from all the 
infrastructures and skills!

And join us in the IYCr2014 celebrations in Caparica!

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