Dear all,

Here's a very basic question --
I am doing some initial crystallization screening now but unfortunately our
robot got broken and it will take a while to get funded for buying a new
one:( So I have to set up all trays by hand. While it is still durable to
use our current pipettes sets, which are usually fine to dispense 0.7ul-1ul
per drop (not very accurate I think), I am wondering do you have any
recommended pipettes with smaller volume that meet my requirements?

We are using Axygen 96-well sitting-drop plates for initially screening.
For the mother liquor I usually use regular multichannel pipette and it
works well, so I am seeking the one for the drop:

1. Multi-channel pipette that can accurately dispense about 0.7-1ul drop.
2. Single pipette that can accurately dispense smaller drop size, such as
0.4ul to 0.8ul.

Thank you!

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