What version of Aimless are you running? I thought I had fixed that bug


On 13 Jun 2014, at 11:59, Andreas Förster <docandr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm trying to scale/merge mtz files in ccp4 
> (Pointless/Aimless/ctruncate/Rfree pipeline) and keep getting an
> UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: vector::_M_range_check
> at the end of the aimless step, right after the standard deviation v. 
> intensity tables.  The output mtz file is not written and consequently 
> ctruncate craps out because of no input file.
> This occurs with the temporary directory on NSF and local, and with one or 
> two mtz files as input.
> How can I go beyond this?
> Andreas
> -- 
>                  Andreas Förster
>     Crystallization and X-ray Facility Manager
>           Centre for Structural Biology
>              Imperial College London

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