On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 09:42:43PM -0500, Maher Alayyoubi wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have two questions:
> 1- I was trying to run the program Acorn, on a SAD dataset (Se derivative)
> that was scaled in scalepack/HKL2000. converted to .mtz using
> scalepack2mtz, then edited in REVISE and Ecalc. But when I ran Acorn it
> gives me the error message "Segmentation fault".

Acorn sometimes segfaults on Linux. The same happens when using previous
CCP4 versions (6.3 and 6.2).
We don't have time to investigate the cause, but since the program seems
to work fine (and faster) when compiled with Intel Fortran compiler,
in the next release we'll use Intel compiler to build Acorn
and maybe a few other programs. (now it's GFortran)


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