The Biology and Soft Matter Division of the
Neutron Sciences Directorate of ORNL runs world-class scientific neutron
crystallography and neutron scattering programs.  The Biology and Soft Matter 
Division, in
partnership with collaborators at the University of California-San Diego and
the University of Utah, has an immediate opening for a Postdoctoral Research
Associate to participate in an NIH-funded collaborative translational project
directed to developing a new generation of accelerated oxime reactivators of
nerve agent and pesticide organophosphate(OP)-inhibited human
acetylcholinesterase (hAChE).  The
successful candidate will investigate the structure and function of hAChE, and
identify structurally imposed limiting factors in oxime reactivation of the
enzyme inhibited by OP.  The postdoctoral
researcher will join the research team that uses a multidisciplinary approach
combining biochemistry, X-ray and neutron crystallography, small-angle
scattering (SAXS, TR-SAXS, SANS), neutron spectroscopy and computational
modeling (QM/MM/MD) to understand how slow molecular motions, protonation and
ionization states in the mechanism of oxime reactivation of OP-inhibited hAChE
influence and in effect limit antidotes’ efficacy.
--Responsible for protein purification,
protein-ligand complexes preparation, crystal growth, and X-ray and neutron
crystallographic studies.
--Assist in sample preparation for SANS and
neutron spectroscopic measurements, and with data collection.
--Assist with collaborative crystallographic projects of ORNL neutron 
diffractometers MaNDi and IMAGINE at
the 25% level of effort, including data collection, processing, structure
--Responsible for publishing
papers based on this research and assist with publishing collaborative
--Present results at national
and international conferences.  
A Ph.D. in biochemistry, biophysics or a
related discipline completed within the last 5 years is required.  Research 
experience with biochemical methods
for production, purification and crystallization of proteins, and X-ray 
is required.  Candidates should be
self-motivated, have good interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
and a demonstrated ability to interact effectively with staff at all
levels.  The ability to work as a member
of a multi-disciplinary team is a critical asset.  

Knowledge of mechanistic biochemistry is highly desirable.  The aspiration to 
learn is highly desirable.
Applicants must have received their PhD
within five years of this application and must complete all degree requirements
before starting their appointment.

To apply, please send the most current CV and a list of publications directly 
to Andrey Kovalevsky (kovalevsk...@ornl.gov)

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