Doing Fluroscence scan for protein crystal at Cu wavelength prior MAD or SAD 
experiment shows usually fig like this

1- Fig A should represent X ray fluorescence scan. is it the same as X ray 
absorption scan. what does count represent in fig A (is it equal to the 
intensity of the emission).
2- i am wondering whether F double prime in Fig B is just a fit for counts in 
Fig A, it looks the same. could F" or counts be converted to I/I0 or F/I0 to 
replot the data against these value as in XANES. in other word, Is X ray 
fluorescence scan in fig A the same as X-ray absorption near-edge structure 
(XANES)? could XANES be collected at the same beamline where diffraction data 
are collected for crystal ?
3- could data from Fluorescence scan in Fig A or B used to determine the 
oxidation or coordination number for the metal say copper for example in 

thank YOU
T. DawoD

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