Hi All

We are seeking applicants for two EMBL Australia Group leaders to be based
at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia:

We seek future research leaders in Electron Microscopy (EM) and in protein

In the protein crystallography field we particularly encourage researchers
with outstanding track records in working with challenging membrane protein
systems to apply.  The new recruits will form a key part of the Biomedical
Discovery Institute being developed within the Faculty of Biomedical and
Psychological Science.

In the EM field we are interested in recruiting scientists with expertise
in correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM), high-resolution
electron tomography or in determining protein structures at high-resolution
using EM.

The successful applicants will be expected to develop a multidisciplinary,
collaborative and innovative research program that addresses highly
significant biological problems.  Exciting opportunities for collaboration
with chemists, immunologists and physicists (including X-ray free electron
laser science) will be provided through the ARC Centre of Excellence in
Advanced Molecular Imaging (www.imagingcoe.org/).  Further significant
interactions are anticipated with GPCR and Ion channels focused researchers
within the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science.

Successful applicants will have access to excellent light and electron
microscopy platforms (including an FEI Titan Krios equipped with a Falcon 2
detector), protein production and protein crystallography facilities
(including robotics dedicated for experiments involving lipidic cubic

Monash University adjoins the Australian Synchrotron, which houses
beamlines dedicated to micro-focus crystallography and Small Angle X-ray
Scattering experiments.

(see also advert Nature / Science

Please email (in English) a cover letter clearly stating position(s) being
applied for, your CV, names and contact details of 3 referees, and a
summary  of current and future research interests to:
positi...@emblaustralia.org.  Applications close 2nd November, 2014.
Interviews will be held 18-20th February 2015.



Professor James Whisstock
Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Advanced Molecular Imaging
NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Monash University
Clayton Campus
VIC 3800
Phone: +61 418 170 585
Website: www.imagingcoe.org
Twitter: @imagingCoe

*Join us at the 3rd Prato conference on Pore Forming Proteins, Prato, Italy
- 12th to 15th May, 2015: www.pores2015.org <http://www.pores2015.org/> *

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