Dear All,

Sorry for non-CCP4 question. I'm looking for some dyes, like Hampton IZIT, suitable for DNA crystals and, of course safe for crystals. Is IZIT useful for that application? As I read, it is recommended for macromolecular crystals. What about Jena Bioscences dyes?

Thank you for some advices,

Rafal Dolot

|Rafal Dolot, Ph.D.                            |
|                                              |
|Polish Academy of Sciences                    |
|Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies|
|Department of Bioorganic Chemistry            |
|Sienkiewicza 112                              |
|90-363 Lodz, Poland                           |
|Phone: +48(42)6803215                         |
|Cell:  +48 502897781                          |

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