Several scientist and postdoctoral positions are available in prof.
Zhiwei Huang’s laboratory at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China.

    Our research interests focus on studies of the mechanisms of pathogen
(such as HIV and Ebola virus)-host interactions, and the mechanisms of how
signals transduce across the membrane by GPCRs and transporters.

    We use multi-disciplinary approaches including X-ray crystallography,
Cryo-EM, virology, cell biology, and mouse genetics in our studies. We are
equipped with a state-of-the-art facility to conduct soluble/membrane
protein structural and functional studies including home X-ray source, an
automated crystallization screening device, and other setups such as ITC.

Highly motivated candidates with Ph.D. and background in macromolecular
X-ray crystallography or cryo-electron microscopy are preferred, but
enthusiastic individuals with a Ph.D degree in virology, cell biology,
biophysics, physics or related fields are also encouraged to apply. We
offer competitive salary and benefits, which will be commensurate with
experiences. For further information, please vist the university website (

Applications with a statement of interest, a full CV and three contacts for
reference should be sent to prof. Zhiwei Huang at

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