Hi everybody,

pls note that the XDS version that you might have installed a year ago
will expire on Dec 31, and there's a new version at
http://xds.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/ . The changes are: support for
Eiger, support for XZ compressed files, and assorted small fixes.

The XDS documentation is still being improved, e.g.

Furthermore the latest version of XDSGUI is documented in the XDSwiki
(http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de/xdswiki/index.php/XDSGUI), and
the download links for Linux and Mac are provided there. I'm still
trying to find the easiest way to install XDS and related programs, and
I'd particularly appreciate help with a Mac installer that would package
xds-viewer, xdsstat, generate_XDS.INP and xdsgui. Some stuff that may be
helpful is in the "Installation" article in XDSwiki.

best wishes,

Kay Diederichs                http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de
email: kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de    Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fax 3183
Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz

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