Dear all, I have collected 2 datasets (space group P1, resolution 1.4) on a 
bruker machine using Proteum2 v2014.9-0 software. I integrated both datasets 
with SAINT and would like to continue with Pointless - SCALA - Truncate to 
finally get*scaled but unmerged data*  to be able to calculate CC*, CCanom, 
.... .

Pointless should be able to read .raw data (documentation) 
However it fails with the error message

Release Date: 6th January 2014

         *                                                    *
         *                     POINTLESS                      *
         *                       1.8.17                       *
         *                                                    *
         *   Determine Laue group from unmerged intensities   *
         *     Phil Evans MRC LMB, Cambridge                  *
         * Uses cctbx routines by Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve et al.*
         *                                                    *

  Spacegroup information obtained from library file:
  Logical Name: SYMINFO   Filename: 

* Information from CCP4Interface script
The program run with command: /home/georg/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/bin/pointless
has failed with error message
pointless: /home/marcin/series-64-dt/checkout/pointless/sca_unmerge.cpp:1201: 
std::vector SCAIO::SaintRun::MakeBatch(const float&): Assertion `BHeader.num > 
0' failed.

/home/marcin/series-64-dt/checkout/pointless/sca_unmerge.cpp:1201: std::vector 
SCAIO::SaintRun::MakeBatch(const float&): Assertion `BHeader.num > 0' failed."
#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 26 Dec 2014  23:15:29
#CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed

The  "strange" thing is that it works with an insulin dataset (using Input 
reflection filetyp XDS) and that in the Input reflection filetyp one can just choose MTZ, 
XDS or scalepack, and not SAINT (raw).

I would be grateful if somebody could point me in the direction where the 
problem is or show me an alternative route.

Best regards Georg.

Mlynek Georg
University of Vienna
Department of Computational and Structural Biology Max F. Perutz Laboratories
Campus Vienna Biocenter 5 level -2
1030 Vienna Austria

mobil: +43 660 42 195 07
office: +43-1-4277-52263

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