Hi Ethan,
DM with a mask of the ligand in chain A then applying the NCS matrices and 
looking at the resulting density perhaps ?
Theoretically it should improve, this is of course assuming that your ligand 
does not adopt different conformations in the three chains.
In Refmac you can also add a NCS restraint per residue - I assume a ligand is 
considered a residue but I have not tried this.


Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Office: +1-410-614-4742<tel:%2B1-410-614-4742>
Lab:      +1-410-614-4894<tel:%2B1-410-614-4894>
Fax:      +1-410-955-2926<tel:%2B1-410-955-2926>

On Jan 30, 2015, at 7:38 PM, Ethan A Merritt 
<merr...@u.washington.edu<mailto:merr...@u.washington.edu>> wrote:

Is there some way to apply NCS restraints to the binding pose of a ligand
during refmac refinement?

That is, suppose I have 3 copies of the binding site and the density in
each copy is OK but not great. I would be more confident of a refined
pose that jointly satisfied the electron density at all 3 sites than a
refinement that resulting in slightly different poses at each site.

If not, is there an equivalent to the shelxl SAME directive?
I.e. is there a way to tell it "I don't know what the true
distance is from ligand atom X to protein atom Y, but I want to restrain
it to be the same in all 3 copies"?


Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center, K-428 Health Sciences Bldg
MS 357742, University of Washington, Seattle 98195-7742

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