Postdoc position in Structural Characterization of the Sec Translocon machinery.

Daniel Daley and Arne Elofsson, DBB and SciLifeLab Stockholm University

A post-doc position is immediately available in membrane biochemistry and 
structural biology at Stockholm University. The position aims to understand how 
proteins are inserted into cellular membrane by the Sec translocon. The project 
will endeavor to trap substrate proteins during the insertion process and 
determining which ancillary modules and chaperones are recruited. Downstream 
analysis will include mass spectrometry and cryo-EM. The ultimate goal is to 
provide novel structural information about the machinery by combining this 
experimental information with structural modeling.

The initial part of the project will be performed in the Daley lab at DBB and 
the cryo-EM will be done at the new facility at Stockholm University/SciLife.

 The position is funded by a grant from the University to DD and AE. The 
position is a two-year postdoc position with a full salary. Regulations at the 
University limit this position to researchers with a PhD not older than three 

Applicants should possess a PhD in Biochemistry or a related discipline, and be 
proficient with standard molecular methods such as cloning and protein 
purification. A high level of motivation and good communication skills are 
required. The position will be a joint appointment between the SciLife Lab 
Stockholm and The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Stockholm 
University. Requests for more information as well as applications can be sent 
to Associate Professor Daniel Daley ( Please include a cover 
letter, CV and the email address of at least two references. Applications will 
remain open until the position is filled.

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