many thanks for all your help! Paul Emsley quicky responded and now things work!

El 10/02/2015, a las 18:24, B.Lohkamp <> escribió:

> As for python I would rather use:
> molecule_chooser_gui("Choose molecule for PISA assembly analysis", lambda 
> imol: pisa_assemblies(imol))
> or
> molecule_chooser_gui("Choose molecule for PISA interface analysis", lambda 
> imol: pisa_interfaces(imol))
> The latter has a bug which causes the scripting window to freeze hence the 
> error. Starting the scripting window again solves this issue (not to self: 
> check and fix). So both functions (should) work.
> Bernhard
>> Coot thinks that PISA version is < 1.06, although it's 2.0.2.
>> That coot extension (and many others) have two versions, one in Scheme
>> and one in Python. The latter works, but it's not in the menu. As a
>> workaround: Calculate > Scripting > Python and type:
>> molecule_chooser_gui("Choose molecule", pisa_interfaces)
>> and press Enter.
>> Or pisa_assemblies instead of pisa_interfaces, depending what you want.
>> BTW you can only issue one command in that little window,
>> the second one gives error:
>>   File 
>> "/home/wojdyr/ccp4/ccp4-6.5/lib/python2.7/site-packages/coot/", 
>> line 125, in warning_event
>>     tag1 = textbuffer.create_tag(foreground="red",weight=pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
>> NameError: free variable 'textbuffer' referenced before assignment in 
>> enclosing scope
>> Marcin
>> On Mon, Feb 09, 2015 at 05:20:41PM +0100, Maria Jose Sanchez Barrena wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am using Coot 0.8.1, that is part of the CCP4 version 6.1. When trying to 
>>> run PISA from Coot, after choosing the pdf file, I get the following 
>>> message: “your pisa version is too old. Need at least v1.06”. However, when 
>>> running CCP4mg (part of the same CCP4 package), I am able to run PISA and 
>>> get these wonderful interaction surfaces and so on…
>>> I find all this quite difficult to understand…. Any suggestion about what´s 
>>> going on?
>>> Many thanks in advance,
>>> Maria José
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