
If your Hg dataset is not isomorphous with the SeMet you can cut out some 
density and use cross-crystal averaging (molecular replacement using electron 
density) to transfer the Hg phases to the Se dataset.  You can then try using 
an anomalous difference fourier map to find more or weaker Se sites.  If that 
manages to get density good enough to even partially build a model, you can put 
it through multiple rounds of MR-SAD with phaser.  Basically you use your model 
phases to help find more weak Se sites, which improves your phases and allows 
you to build a better model, and you go around again.


Dr Jason Busby
Laboratory of Structural Biology
School of Biological Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
New Zealand

ph:  +64 9 3737599 ext 88958

On 19/02/2015, at 1:51 am, William Chao 
<william.c...@cancer.org.uk<mailto:william.c...@cancer.org.uk>> wrote:

Dear all,

I am trying to phase a largish novel structure of 130 kDa with P21 (sometimes 
P222) space group. So far I have collected a few 3.5ish-Å 3-wavelength MAD 
datasets from SeMet derivatives as well as an anisomorphous 6Å Hg peak dataset 
(with detectable anomalous signal). As my crystal is rather anisotropic, CC1/2 
of one direction of the Se data drops below 0.5 at 4Å. I can generate a map 
from a MAD dataset that gives a overall shape of the molecule with clear 
molecular boundary​ after solvent flattening, resembling the shape of some EM 
class averages that I obtained earlier. However, the density of this map is 
very discontinuous and is impossible to build any helix in by machine or by 
eye. ​

As I use an insect-cell expression system and the occupancy of Se is expected 
to be low, the programmes that I used could only find a 2 reasonable sites out 
of 24 Se per molecule. I have about 10 Se crystals and 50 native crystals 
(which I shall use for derivatisation) left for one last trip before the 
synchrotron shuts down for two months. Could someone advise me on a reasonable 
data collection strategy that could maximise my chance on this upcoming trip? I 
am sure that many people have encountered difficult data like this one and have 
solved their structures successfully. Would anyone be able to advise me on how 
it'd be best to improve my phases/density given the limitations of the data?

Also to mention that the best native crystal can diffract to 3A with CC1/2 of 
the worst direction dropping to 0.5 at 3.5A.

Many thanks in advance!


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