Dear CCP4bb readers,

a PhD position (starting in October 2015) is available in my laboratory 
( at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR, 
Chelsea, London, UK), to undertake crystallographic, single particle electron 
microscopy analysis and biochemical analysis of large eukaryotic 
transcriptional complexes. We are particularly interested in studying 
macromolecular complexes that are involved in cancer development and several 
projects (which require different skills) are available. 

Applications for PhDs are invited from talented graduates or final year 
undergraduates who hold or expect to gain a first or upper second class honours 
degree or equivalent, or a Masters degree, in a relevant subject. Successful 
candidates will undertake a four-year research training programme under the 
guidance of a supervisory team of our world-class researchers. Projects and 
their primary supervisors are listed below.  Students receive an annual 
stipend, currently £21,000 per annum, as well as having fees and project costs 
paid for the four-year duration. The ICR is a college of the University of 
London and awards degrees of the University.

Our studentships are funded from a range of sources, including Cancer Research 
UK Centre – a strategic partnership between Cancer Research UK, the ICR and The 
Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust which aims to enhance translational research 
–the Hensley Nankivell studentship fund, the FC Hunter studentship fund, and 
ICR core funding.

How to apply:
Full details about these studentship projects, and the online application form, 
are available on our website, at: Applications should be 
made online. Please ensure that you read and follow the application 
instructions very carefully. 

Closing date: Friday 6th March 2015

Best regards,


Dr. Alessandro Vannini
Team Leader, Division of Structural Biology
The Institute of Cancer Research
Chester Beatty Laboratories
237 Fulham Road
London, SW3 6JB
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 - (0)20- 7153 - 5557
Fax: +44 - (0)20- 7153 - 5457

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