University of York, Department of Biology
Post-doctoral Research Associate
The molecular basis of stretch activation in muscle
A post-doctoral position is available to work on the stretch activation of muscle, using insect flight muscle (Lethocerus and Drosophila) as a model system. The aim of the project is to find out how the regulatory complex, troponin, senses stretch. The structure of the complex and the interaction of subunits within the complex will be investigated, as well changes in the structure occurring when the muscle is stretched. The project will involve, molecular biology, protein chemistry and spectroscopic techniques. The position is funded by the BBSRC for 3 years and is available from April 1 2015. The starting salary is £30,434 – £31,342 per annum. Enquiries can be made to The closing date is March 12 2015.

Dr. Belinda Bullard
Dept. of Biology
University of York
York YO10 5DD

Tel 44(0)1904 328823
FAX: 44(0)1904 328825


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