Has anyone interfaced an image plate detector to a Bruker Microstar micro
focus with 3-axis goniometer?  We have a Bruker AXS Proteum/R 6000 with a
smart 6000 CCD detector, but the CCD detector has died. I am wondering if
it is possible to replace the CCD detector with an image plate detector?
The system is a vintage ~2006.  Primary use is for screening crystals, some
SAS, native data collection for MR, and teaching. Any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.


Michael A. Kennedy, PhD

Eminent Scholar and Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
106 Hughes Laboratory
Miami University
651 East High Street
Oxford, OH 45056

phone: 513-529-8267
fax: 513-529-5715
email: kenne...@miamioh.edu
webpage: http://chemistry.muohio.edu/kennedy/

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