I’ll add to this that you should also set the relevant path in launchd.conf as 
well to access other external programs (SHELXC/D/E) when opening ccp4i via the 

setenv PATH /where/ever/shelx


Dr. Aaron Finke
Postdoctoral Fellow
Swiss Light Source
CH-5232 Villigen-PSI
phone: +41 56 310 5652
e-mail: aaron.fi...@psi.ch<mailto:aaron.fi...@psi.ch>

On May 5, 2015, at 11:00, Finke Aaron (PSI) 
<aaron.fi...@psi.ch<mailto:aaron.fi...@psi.ch>> wrote:

Dear Mark,

Indeed there is a way. You have to set the environment variable so that all Mac 
apps can access it. This is most easily done via launchd.

In the Terminal, type ‘sudo vi /etc/launchd.conf’

and add the following text (the file will likely be blank):

setenv SHARP_home /where/ever/SHARP/

Save, and reboot. Now when you access ccp4i in a Finder window or Spotlight, 
autoSHARP should be accessible. More info can be found here: 

I hope this works for you. (It worked for me.)


Dr. Aaron Finke
Postdoctoral Fellow
Swiss Light Source
CH-5232 Villigen-PSI
phone: +41 56 310 5652
e-mail: aaron.fi...@psi.ch<mailto:aaron.fi...@psi.ch>

On May 5, 2015, at 1:17, Mark J van Raaij 
<mjvanra...@cnb.csic.es<mailto:mjvanra...@cnb.csic.es>> wrote:

Dear All,

when starting CCP4i via the icon, AutoSharp remains greyed out, suggesting it 
is not installed. However, when I start CCP4i in an XQuartz window (i.e. “ccp4i 
&”), AutoSharp can be run.
I guess this may be because in first way my “.profile” file is not read, any 
ideas how to fix this?


Mark J van Raaij

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