In Situ Serial Crystallography Workshop

Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Nov. 17-19, 2015
This workshop is dedicated to the presentation of a novel in meso in situ 
serial crystallography (IMISX) method (Huang et al. 2015 ActaD), which combines 
the many advantages of glass plates with high-throughput in situ serial data 
collection capabilities.
The workshop consists of introductory lectures, followed by hands-on practicals 
on methods for growing crystals of membrane proteins by the in meso or LCP 
method, for collecting serial diffraction data on micro-crystals directly in 
situ and for processing the data most efficiently for high-resolution structure 
There is no registration fee and all local expenses will be covered, but 
participants are requested to take care of their travel arrangements. The 
workshop is limited to 20 students. 
The application deadline is August 15.
Meitian Wang (PSI), Vincent Olieric (PSI), Martin Caffrey (Trinity College 
Dublin), Kay Diederichs (Uni Konstanz)

Meitian Wang
Swiss Light Source at Paul Scherrer Institut
CH-5232 Villigen PSI -
Phone: +41 56 310 4175

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