Letter send on the behalf of Dr. Les Loew:

Dear Crystallography Community,
The Biophysical Journal (BJ) and the Biophysical Society leadership recently 
published a joint Editorial entitled “Reproducibility of Research in 
which introduced a comprehensive and evolving set of “Guidelines for the 
Reproducibility of Biophysics 
 These Guidelines are designed to require enough detail and transparency to 
ensure that research results can be replicated and reused. Part of these 
guidelines reinforce and enhance our long-standing policy that atomic models be 
deposited in the PDB. Our Editorial prompted some members of the Structural 
Biology Community to raise a concern that authors occasionally refer to a 
structure in the PDB without properly citing the original published source that 
reported the structure. Accordingly, BJ has added the following explicit policy 
to its Author 
“Manuscripts that refer to information in a public database (such as structures 
in the RCSB Protein Data Bank) must cite the publication, if available, in 
which the original information was reported.”
Les Loew
Editor in Chief, Biophysical Journal

PS. Submissions are open for the BJ Special Issue, edited by Ed Egelman and 
Andreas Engel, on Electron 
Leslie M. Loew
Boehringer Ingelheim Chair in Cell Sciences
Professor of Cell Biology
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Director, R. D. Berlin Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling
Editor in Chief, Biophysical Journal
University of Connecticut Health Center
400 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-6406
CCAM: www.ccam.uchc.edu<http://www.ccam.uchc.edu/>
Virtual Cell: www.vcell.org<http://www.vcell.org/>

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