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*4 PhD student positions available at the Structural Biology Department of
IBMB-CSIC*. *Unit of Excellence “María de Maeztu**”*

The “María de Maeztu” Structural Biology Unit of IBMB-CSIC aims to
understand the cell machinery by studying proteins, nucleic acids and their
interactions from a structural perspective, with a strong emphasis on the
regulation of nucleic acid replication and transcription, the
structure-function analysis of proteases and other enzymes related to human
diseases, the study of different pathogens (including viruses) and the
study of cellular organelles such as peroxisomes and mitochondria.

We are looking for young scientists from the national and international
community who wish to do their PhD in a stimulating environment, rich in
technological resources. We encourage applications from highly motivated
biologists, biochemists, chemists, physicists, pharmacologists and
computational scientists with outstanding qualifications.

We offer a total of 4 pre-doctoral contracts (available applying to an
external call from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) to
carry out research in one of the following research lines:

*- Development of computational methods in macromolecular crystallography*

*- DNA Topology*

*- Structure-function characterization of proteins involved in

*- Structure and function of multi-component complexes*

Enquires and documentation should be addressed to: Núria Verdaguer
(Scientific Director of the Unit)

*Deadline for receipt of completed applications is Friday, June 19, 2015*

Applicants will be asked to include the following documents:

   - Curriculum vitae
   - A motivation letter
   - A copy of the student’s *certified* Academic Record. These documents
   must show the grades attained in exam periods.
   - Two recommendation letters from university lecturers or scientists
   with whom the applicant has studied or worked.

Applicants should indicate up to two research lines in which they would
like to work, in order of preference.  Students will be selected on the
basis of academic and technical excellence as well as motivation to work at
the Structural Biology unit and reference letters.

Short-listed candidates will be invited for interviews, before June 25,
2015. Offers of admission will be made to the successful candidates shortly
after the interviews.

 Applicants who have not been successful but have received a positive
evaluation will be put on a waiting list to cover possible renunciations.

F. Xavier Gomis-Rüth
*Research Professor CSIC*
Proteolysis Lab
Department of Structural Biology
Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona, *Vice-Director*
Spanish Research Council CSIC
Barcelona Science Park, Helix Building
c/ Baldiri Reixac,15-21
*08028 Barcelona (Spain*)
Phone:+34-934 020 186. Fax:+34-934 034 979

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