Sorry I sent the wrong link for the registration...
Here is the new one: Registration 
open<> until 24th 


Dear all,

The Diamond Light Source Macromolecular Crystallography group would like to 
invite both our academic and industrial users to MX beamline training sessions 
on the 15th -16th July 2015.
The aim is to provide MX users with sufficient training to be able to operate 
any of the Diamond MX beamlines efficiently and to get the most benefit from 
their beamtime. The training will involve hands-on sessions on the suite of 
five operational MX beamlines ( as well as 
optional offline software sessions.

Sessions include:
15th July, afternoon session and 16th July, morning session on MX beamlines:

  *   MX software: automation in data analysis
  *   Mini-Kappa goniometry / Anomalous data collection
  *   Sample humidity control (HC1)
  *   I24 new end station/ In-situ diffraction
  *   Fragment screening - I04-1/Lab36
  *   Experiment database: new  ISPyB

16th July afternoon optional session Hands on software:
Two tutorial sessions:

  *   CCP4: structure solution and model building with CCP4 (CCP4 team)
  *   Manual processing with iMosflm (Harry Powell)

Registration is free-of-charge with lunch provided on the 15th and 16th 
February, and accommodation and dinner for the night of the 15th July. 
Travelling expenses within the UK will also be provided. The training is 
targeted at all users, and is not limited to students and post docs. It is 
essential that each BAG sends at least one representative per calendar year.

Places are limited to twenty five participants. The registration deadline is on 
the 24th June.
Registration is now 

Pierre Aller, Ph.D.
Senior Support Scientist
Diamond Light Source Ltd., Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE

+44 (0) 1235 778183

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