A DFG (German Research Foundation) funded Ph.D. position is available (starting 
immediately) at the Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany, to investigate the 
function of a mitochondrial ABC transporter, Atm1. The hitherto unidentified 
substrate exported by Atm1 is required for the assembly of Fe/S clusters in the 
cytosol and nucleus. Mutations in the atm1 gene have been shown to cause severe 
‘mitochondrial Fe overload’ and are associated with the disease X-linked 
sideroblastic anaemia in humans.

We have recently elucidated the crystal structure of Atm1 that provides an 
excellent platform for further studies (Srinivasan V. et al., Science. 2014 Mar 
7; 343(6175): 1137-40). Some of the most interesting and important aims are a) 
to elucidate the identity of the substrate and the mechanism of its export by 
Atm1, b) to establish the different conformational states involved in the 
transport mechanism, and c) to understand the relationship between mutation, 
biological structure and function and the disease state. To this end, the 
successful candidate will use a combination of powerful methods such as X-ray 
crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy and various techniques within 
biochemistry and cell biology.

Applications are invited from talented graduates who hold or expect to gain a 
Masters degree or equivalent in chemistry, biochemistry, physics, biophysics or 
related disciplines. Previous experience in a structural biology related 
pursuit is desirable but not essential. Good English language skills are 
essential; knowledge of German would be helpful but is not required.


The successful candidate will undertake a three-year Ph.D. studentship under 
the guidance of a team of structural and cell biologists. The student will have 
ample opportunities for data collection at ESRF, Grenoble, France, and the 
Swiss Light Source, Villigen, Switzerland.

Applications and informal project enquiries should be sent to Dr. Vasundara 
Srinivasan (vasundara.sriniva...@staff.uni-marburg.de). Applications should 
include a CV, a letter of motivation detailing research interests and 
expertise, and contact details for at least two referees and should be sent by 
email as a single pdf file.

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