Dear Colleagues,

a reminder,  the third  CCP4 structure solution school at the Okinawa Institute 
of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa. All details can be found at or contact

"CCP4 school: From data processing to structure refinement and beyond"
Dates: November 2 to 7, 2015
Site: Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan

The school content:

Software workshop: the workshop will be taught by authors and other experts, 
including Garib Murshudov (refmac), Victor Lamzin (arp/warp), Robbie Joosten 
(pdb_redo) and Phil Evans (aimless).  It will be organized in three Sections - 
lectures, tutorials and hands-on trouble-shooting.  We will also be covering 
the use of DIALS for data processing and the new ccp4 interface.

There will be model data sets available for tutorials but data, provided by 
participants, will have higher priority for the hands-on sessions.


Graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and young scientists at the 
assistant professor level are encouraged to apply. Only 25 applicants will be 
selected for participation. Participants of the workshop are strongly 
encouraged to bring their own problem data sets so the problems can be 
addressed during data collection workshop and/or hands-on sessions.


Application deadline is 22 August. Application form, the program, contact info 
and other details can be found at


There is no fee for the workshop. The students will be responsible for their 
transportation costs outside Okinawa.  Lodging will be provided at the OIST 
Guest House "Seaside House".  The workshop will also cover the expenses for all 
meals and refreshments.

Fadel Samatay, Charles Ballard

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