Computational and Data Science Research Specialist

The Structural Bioinformatics Group at the San Diego
Supercomputer Center (SDSC) is seeking an exceptional scientific
software developer to work on our new project “Compressive Structural
Bioinformatics” funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Big Data 
to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative 
The Challenge is to enable efficient research on the rapidly growing
number of 3D molecular structures of ever increasing size and
complexity, and develop highly scalable 3D structural search, analysis,
workflow, data-exchange, and visualization tools.

Our team values open discussion and contribution. Starting from
your first day, you will shape software and services used by thousands
of people around the world. Have a great idea? Let's hear it. Want to
try a new technology? Let's learn it. Want to write code at scale? Let's
do it. Everyone at our organization is passionate about what we do, and
that is why we are leaders in our field. We want to hear from skilled
scientists and software developers, people passionate about their craft
and what they can bring to the field.

The Structural Bioinformatics Group is involved in research and
development activities centered around 3D structures of proteins and
nucleic acids, the integration of structural data with other domains
such as Medicine, Genomics, Biology, Drug Discovery, and the development
of scalable solution to Big Data problems in Structural Bioinformatics.
Our group leads the RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) (
west-coast operations, which represents the preeminent source of
experimentally determined macromolecular structure information for
research and teaching in biology, biological chemistry, and medicine.
With over 300,000 unique users from over 160 countries around the world,
the RCSB PDB is one of the leading worldwide Biological Databases.

This position researches, designs, develops, and deploys
innovative, highly scalable solutions for 3D structure visualization,
structural queries, and large-scale analyses of 3D macromolecular
complexes. Develops protocols for the efficient network data transfer
using custom compression and streaming techniques to facilitate 3D
visualization of large complexes on any device from phone, tablet, to
laptop and desktop. Designs distributed parallel workflows for
structural queries and analysis of the PDB archive.

* Bachelor's degree in Structural Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics,
Computational Biology, Computer Science or comparable combination of
education and experience with considerable focus in scientific software
development demonstrated by publications, participation in open source
or other types of software projects. Strong skills in applied
Mathematics and algorithm design. MS or Ph.D. degree preferred.

* Experience in the representation and data structures of
ligands, proteins, nucleic acids, and associated sequence information.
Experience with 3D structure and sequence analysis algorithms.

* Advanced experience in one or more of the following object
oriented programming languages:Java, JavaScript, C++, or Python.
Experience with software development tools including IDEs, Maven, Git,
and continuous integration tools.

* Experience in one or more of the following: development of 3D
visualization applications and knowledge of OpenGL/WebGL, development of
distributed parallel programming models using "Big Data" frameworks
such as Apache Hadoop or Spark, setup of these frameworks on compute
clusters, or development of workflow applications.

* Demonstrated effective communication and interpersonal skills.
Demonstrated ability to communicate technical information to technical
and non-technical personnel at various levels in the organization and to
external research and education audiences.

For more requirements or to apply, please view the UCSD job page 

Peter Rose, Ph.D.
Site Head, RCSB Protein Data Bank West (
San Diego Supercomputer Center (
University of California, San Diego

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