Hi Weifei,

We use SSC buffer for annealing oligos (we use DNA). That works pretty fine
with us. Give a try. Composition is in below URL


Good Luck,

On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 8:44 PM, ChenWeiFei <weife...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I want to get a complex of DNA-RNA-protein. But I have a big problem of
> annealing DNA-RNA.
> The length of DNA is 19nt and RNA is 17nt.
> Annealing protocol:
> 2uM DNA
> 2uM RNA
> 10mM Tris-Hcl
> 100mMNaCl
> Heated to 95 for 5min, cooling down slowly for nearly 2h to room
> temperature.
> I can just get a result of two single strand DNA/RNA. PAGE analysis.
> No double helix was founded.
> Does anyone have the same problem or know how to fix it.
> Thank you for your answering.
> Best regards,
> Weifei


*Venkatareddy Dadireddy,B1-10,Prof. S. Ramakumar's Lab,Dept. of
Physics,IISc, Banglore.Cell: 07259492227*

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