I enjoyed reading the Dyson essay, but to me it smacks of 
mathematical-battle-weary resignation, which to me is the general feeling of 
those who assert that QM is only math. There is an experience during 
physico-mathematical proofs of entering the blind "logic zone" in which the 
world we know is left behind, and we just feel our way with mathematical or 
algebraic manipulations until we come out the other side to a new equation 
which again applies somehow to the manifest world. The mental work of feeling 
out how this new equation can be incorporated into an intuitive or manifest 
physical world is critically important, but often the process of going through 
the math-tunnel (and the allure of new math-tunnels) distracts from this, and 
in the end one wearies of coming back into the light of the manifest world.

This dark math-world may be simply a new world with a new language, but I feel 
that we are weak in that world compared to the incredible power of intuition 
and imagination, with which we can drive our understanding much more 
effectively. For example, consider the computational power involved in kicking 
a soccer ball to a certain location: consider all of the calculations from 
visual cues as to distance, body position, ball weight, etc, and then the 
extremely complicated neural output to the muscles, all with constant feedback 
and adjustments on the millisecond time scales. All of these neural inputs and 
outputs involve massive and fast computations and incredible integration. And 
now, for comparision, try to multiply two six-digit numbers in your head, see 
how long it takes you. In scientific thinking, the intuition or imagination is 
comparable to kicking a soccer ball, and mentally multiplying numbers is 
similar to working out mathematical equations. Both provide answers, but one is 
dramatically more effective and powerful. This is why I don't like abandoning 
the intuition or imagination in science--it's simply much more powerful.


-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Colin Nave
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] Diffraction as a Single-Photon 
Process; was RE: [ccp4bb] Twinning Question

My understanding is that one would have to have separate springs for each 
electron in the atom. Only some would be at resonance for a particular driving 
frequency. One would apply some sum for the total scattering of the atom.
Of course this is trying to give some physical description for the 
electromagnetic field when I was complaining about a similar thing for quantum 
mechanics. A nice article by Freeman Dyson illustrates the difficulty of doing 
this for both approaches.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ethan A Merritt [mailto:merr...@u.washington.edu]
Sent: 04 November 2015 21:59
To: Nave, Colin (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
Cc: ccp4bb
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] Diffraction as a Single-Photon 
Process; was RE: [ccp4bb] Twinning Question

On Wednesday, 04 November, 2015 09:48:13 Colin Nave wrote:
> Domenico
> Thanks for the kind words! 
> I still don't like descriptions such as " Therefore, the anomalous scattered 
> photon will still be able to resonate with another anomalous scatterer within 
> the crystal" This is an attempt to describe what happens to a photon before 
> it has been observed and is therefore an attempt to interpret Quantum 
> Mechanics. As Feynman said about his formulation - it is ""merely a 
> mathematical description, not an attempt to describe a real process that we 
> can measure.  Niels Bohr "brainwashed an entire generation of physicist into 
> believing that the whole job was done 50 years ago" as Murray Gell-Mann said. 
> This might be a bit unfair but most physicists accepted the Copenhagen 
> interpretation and concentrated on carrying out the necessary calculations 
> from which we have all benefitted. Quantum Mechanics works but treat the 
> physical descriptions of the processes with scepticism. 

> Regarding anomalous scattering I like the classical analogy in terms 
> of a damped driven oscillator. There is a good video of this sort of thing at 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZNnwQ8HJHU , for a non damped case showing 
> the phase changes near resonance.

I like the video, but it leaves me scratching my head a bit.
One comes away from it expecting that there will be a 180° change in the phase 
of every Bragg reflection just from choosing a "long" or "short" wavelength 
x-ray source.  [Or to be more precise a 180° change in the contribution of the 
anomalous scattering atoms to every Bragg reflection].

I realize that if the phase were to flip for all atoms then by Babinet's 
principle the same underlying structure should be recoverable with either 
choice of phases, but does this really happen?  Anyhow, that would not apply 
when only a subset of atoms in the structure have an absorption edge that is 
spanned to the two wavelengths in question.  So does this demo really match up 
to what happens in an X-ray experiment?


> A bit of damping is probably apparent but if anyone knows of a better example 
> for a damped oscillator I would be interested.
> Colin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of 
> Dom Bellini
> Sent: 03 November 2015 18:05
> To: ccp4bb
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] Diffraction as a 
> Single-Photon Process; was RE: [ccp4bb] Twinning Question
> Dear All,
> Sorry for bringing back this old topic but I think I might have an 
> explanation to satisfy the original query, which I believe was not 
> conclusively put to rest in the end.
> I think the problem that me and the original poster, Jacob, were having was 
> that we were confusing energy with amplitude (at least I did). I.e., 
> anomalous scattering affects/reduces the amplitude of the atomic form factor 
> (or structure factor in case of a crystal), but not the energy (or 
> wavelength) of the scattered photon, which is the same as that of the 
> incident photon. Therefore, the anomalous scattered photon will still be able 
> to resonate with another anomalous scatterer within the crystal, without 
> breaking any conservation of energy theory. Since anomalous scattering is an 
> elastic effect, if one accepts the explanation model of "photon interfering 
> with itself" and "mini-waves"  in the case without resonators, then this 
> model could be equally valid even in the presence of more than one anomalous 
> scatterer.
> I would like to thank Colin Nave to make me realize that I was mixing up 
> anomalous scattering with inelastic scattering. I am pretty sure I had it 
> clear while doing my PhD many moons ago.
> I hope I understood correctly the original question and that this explanation 
> to the query might make some sense to other people as well, rather than just 
> me :-).
> Best,
> and sorry again for bringing this back,
> D
> ________________________________
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of 
> herman.schreu...@sanofi.com [herman.schreu...@sanofi.com]
> Sent: 31 August 2015 14:12
> To: ccp4bb
> Subject: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] Diffraction as a 
> Single-Photon Process; was RE: [ccp4bb] Twinning Question
> Dear Jacob,
> You are not the only one who does not believe in quantum mechanics. Albert 
> Einstein was probably the most famous non-believer.
> I agree with you that since we observe interference and diffraction patterns, 
> there must occur interference somewhere. Although Niels Bohr claimed that you 
> cannot say anything about a quantum system between two measurements, my 
> strong feeling is that we see interference between the different superimposed 
> quantum states. This is for me the truly spooky part of quantum mechanics: 
> instead of a single foton, as long as we do not measure, there can be 
> hundreds of  fotons haunting our crystal. However, the moment we switch on 
> the light, we find only one. The position of this foton will have been 
> influenced by all other spooky fotons.
> I do not see how quantum mechanics would not conserve energy, but would be 
> interested to learn.
> HS
> Von: Keller, Jacob [mailto:kell...@janelia.hhmi.org]
> Gesendet: Montag, 31. August 2015 13:06
> An: Schreuder, Herman R&D/DE; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK
> Betreff: RE: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] Diffraction as a Single-Photon 
> Process; was RE: [ccp4bb] Twinning Question
> >This means that when a foton at the same moment interacts with 100 
> >scatterers (or resonators), there are 100 or more different states and in 
> >each state the foton interacts with a different scatterer. In each state, 
> >one foton interacts with only one scatterer. The moment the measurement is 
> >made, we find only one discrete foton, corresponding to one of these states. 
> >The distribution of the states, and therefore the possible outcomes, depend 
> >on the presence of all scatters/resonators within coherent range.
> Then I don't see how interference or diffraction patterns can occur without 
> resorting to what others have said, which I don't understand really: that 
> interference is not really happening at all, but something else with spooky 
> probability distributions which don't need to subscribe to conservation of 
> energy.
> Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] Im Auftrag von 
> Keller, Jacob
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. August 2015 20:42
> Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] Diffraction as a Single-Photon Process; was RE: 
> [ccp4bb] Twinning Question
> What I don't understand is how a single photon, which I thought by definition 
> was an indivisible quantum of energy, can be split up arbitrarily amongst a 
> number of scatterers into these "mini-waves." Doesn't that self-contradict 
> QM's concept of quanta?
> One might say that somehow there are two energy-related characteristics to 
> the photon:
> 1. the actual amount of total energy in the photon, and then
> 2. the "type" or "color" or "frequency" of the photon's energy.
> If you will allow me this dichotomy, then I can understand how it can be 
> distributed to different atoms-small portions of energy of the same "color" 
> are distributed to all of the resonators. One would also have to presuppose 
> another thing, that the resonators themselves are able to accept packets of 
> energy of size 1/n, as long as it's of a certain color. The problem is, 
> however, that allowing photons and resonators to do these things violates 
> what I thought was the central tenet of QM, that there are indivisibles known 
> as quanta.
> Maybe, then, one can just drop the bit about there being quanta, or at least 
> put a star by it?
> From: hofkristall...@gmail.com<mailto:hofkristall...@gmail.com>
> [mailto:hofkristall...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 2:03 PM
> Subject: RE: [ccp4bb] Diffraction as a Single-Photon Process; was RE: 
> [ccp4bb] Twinning Question
> Valid questions.
> The phenomenon of resonance needs some explanation here, in terms we can 
> imagine:
> Take first the normal case: let all the n resonating electrons gain 1/n in 
> energy from the disappearing photon. These n resonating electrons emit 
> partial waves or whatever you want to call them totaling n*1/n in energy, 
> which recombines into the new photon. But what happens when the phases lead 
> to extinction? Where does the energy go? Well, it just does not happen, it 
> won't get scattered in THAT direction. So in the probabilistic picture again, 
> IF a photon does gets elastically scattered, then it WILL appear again. WHERE 
> it might appear, is given by its probability distribution, aka the Fs.  No 
> contradiction here, although I fully admit that the mini-wave picture results 
> from the need to explain, in experience-accessible terms, a 
> non-experienceable process. That is the QM conundrum, but not a contradiction.
> Now the anomalous (n.b.: not inelastic!) case: In this case the net effect is 
> a change in the fs and thus Fs, and again all it does is change the 
> probability distribution accordingly and above picture holds. But wait - 
> where does the X-ray fluorescence come from, and if the photon uses all its 
> energy to kick a photoelectron out, how can it reappear? It does not. The 
> unlucky photon that generated the photoelectron is DEAD, otherwise we violate 
> energy conservation. That photoelectron then causes either fluorescence via 
> outer to core transitions or can be directly measured in case it manages to 
> escape, or make Auger electrons, whatever satisfies energy conservation. The 
> lucky photons, passing close to absorption energy, experience only the change 
> in scattering factor. If you look at the theoretical QM calculations for 
> absorption spectra (Cromer Lieberman etc.), you see that the dispersion 
> curves actually show a singularity at precisely the orbital excitation 
> energy. That absorption curve is again simply a probability function for 
> photon death at a given energy. In solids, this curve can be more complicated 
> and have more detail, but still the same.
> So, you cannot simultaneously measure diffraction and fluorescence of one and 
> the same photon. The fluorescence scan does not come from the anomalously but 
> elastically scattered photons. It comes from the absorbed dead ones. There is 
> no difference between the normal and anomalous 'miniwave' picture other than 
> a change in fs and Fs.
> Radiation damage, btw, is just a process cascade caused by that photon death.
> I abstain from digressing into inelastic/incoherent processes.
> Best, BR
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of 
> Keller, Jacob
> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:48 AM
> Subject: [ccp4bb] Diffraction as a Single-Photon Process; was RE: 
> [ccp4bb] Twinning Question
> Do you have any explanation of how a single photon, which contains x amount 
> of energy, can cause multiple electrons (at least 1000's!) in 
> anomalously-scattering atoms to resonate at that energy?
> We don't find that the presence of different numbers of resonant scatterers 
> requires x-rays of different energy; so why, if the energy is being divided 
> into different numbers of resonators, does the same energy of x-rays work?
> I believe that BR's book says that the photon disappears or annihilates 
> briefly, then re-emerges. This must be true, then, across thousands of 
> electrons at once, both normal and anomalous?
> Jacob
> From: Edwin Pozharski [mailto:pozharsk...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:36 AM
> To: Keller, Jacob
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Twinning Question
> typo indeed.  The point, of course, stands - with older sources there are 
> *no* photons inside the crystal for over 99% of the time.  (Notice that 
> diffraction pattern is still present, Bragg's law satisfied, etc))  X-ray 
> diffraction is, for all intents and purposes, a single photon experiment.  
> Even with the brightest and most coherent sources, when you could have 
> multiple photons within a large crystal, these are still separated in space 
> by a distance that is at least 100x the coherence length.  Thus, X-ray 
> photons do not interact with each other (and even if they would, it's still 
> does not make them a wave, just good ole photons that due to their high 
> spatial density would have detectable probability to engage in multi-photon 
> events).
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 5:13 PM, Keller, Jacob 
> <kell...@janelia.hhmi.org<mailto:kell...@janelia.hhmi.org>> wrote:
> >Also, if your X-ray source is not exactly the brightest synchrotron, you are 
> >probably looking at ~10^9 photons/sec at best (I am estimating here that it 
> >would take at least 15-20 minutes of data collection using early 2000s 
> >"RAxisIV" in-house system to get diffraction image of intensity similar to 
> >0.5s exposure at 12-2).  That is one photon every nanosecond. Let's continue 
> >to ignore the fact that most photons just fly through.  A photon zips 
> >through a 1mm crystal in about 3fs.  Think about this - at a moderate 
> >intensity home source (and I can go to sealed tubes), the process of crystal 
> >illumination by X-rays is more like single photons flying through with about 
> >300x long pauses between events.  To scale this, imagine that a single 
> >photon spends a whole second inside a crystal, probing it's electron 
> >density.  You would then have to wait five minutes for the next photon to 
> >arrive.
> I was re-thinking through this, and I think one of these numbers is wrong, 
> viz, "A photon zips through a 1mm crystal in about 3fs." The speed of light 
> is 3x10^8 m/s, so this leads to ~3.3 ps for a 1 mm path, and not 3 fs, a 
> difference of ~10^6. Maybe it was just a typo? Anyway, it may not make a huge 
> difference, since this would still make for an average of ~1 photon in the 
> crystal at a time, assuming a high flux of 10^12 photons per second. But of 
> course there would be some Poisson statistics involved, and there would be 
> several photons a significant part of the time.
> Also, I wonder about relativistic effects: in the famous train-in-tunnel 
> thought experiment, a large train can fit in a short tunnel if it's going 
> close to the speed of light. Is this applicable here, such that many photons 
> are in some sense in the crystal at once? Or maybe this is a red herring.
> But, to change topics a bit: part of the reason I am wondering about this is 
> anomalous scattering. Since the resonance energy of an atom is a fixed 
> amount, how can one photon provide that energy simultaneously to the 
> requisite number (at least thousands, I would think) of resonant scatterers? 
> Something's very funny here.
> Or, come to think of it, perhaps resonant scattering is no worse than normal 
> scattering: if the energy is divided up between the all the 
> normally-scattering electrons, you even have a problem with the one-photon 
> picture, since the emerging radiation is still of the same energy. You want 
> to have everything being scattered with a certain energy, but you also want 
> all the scatterers to scatter. The concept of "energy" seems to get strange. 
> Does one then need two terms, in which "energy" is just a characteristic of 
> radiation, like a color, and then there is some other attribute like 
> "probabilistic intensity," which describes how much "photon" is there?
> It is striking to me how much depth these everyday occurrences really have 
> when one starts wondering about them.
> Jacob
Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center,  K-428 Health Sciences Bldg
MS 357742,   University of Washington, Seattle 98195-7742

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