Problem solved, or well, circumvented - for the record: This seems to happen 
during XDSCONV indeed (F2MTZ seems to dump half the reflections?)
and running via aimless seems to work. Either there is a bug with the 
conversion in the SG or I made  some mistake (which i cant quite figure out 

Thanks for comments!


On Oct 21, 2016, at 6:11 PM, Kajander, Tommi A 
<<>> wrote:


This seems very stupid but I have some data sets processed with XDS with 
apparently close to 100% completeness (high symmetry F4132)
only 50 (or 100) degrees of data, fine, but still looks complete overall, given 
the high symmetry, though low res could be better.

After running it via XDSCONV to truncate for a check, or to phenix - I get a 
completeness of ca. 50% for the Fs…

… cant quite figure out where this is coming  from…? Never happened before. Too 
tired now. Any suggestions?


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