Hi everyone,

We are trying to solve a protein structure of 2.6 A. We have processed it
with HKL2000. We have even tried processing with mosflm and xia2. It is in
C2221 space group (checked by pointless) and data is not twinned. It has
31% identical with a search model and has 57% sequence coverage. There are
2 subunits in asu.

I did not proper phases with MOLREP and phaser. I have tried Balbes (R free
50) and Mr BUMP (R free 54).But, density from balbes look some reasonable.
So i have refined it in ccp4i and phenix differently and then model build
it by coot. My protein has 377 Amino acid. But, I stucked at R free 41 and
now i have amino acid 50 to 369 in both chains, still 49 amino acid at N
terminal and 8 amino acid at C terminal are missing.

*I have tried the ARP/wARP, but it does not work for it. *

Thanks & Regards,

Research Scholar
Macromolecular Crystallographic Unit
Department of Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee (INDIA)

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