Perception of depth is strongly dependent on the width of the screen and accordingly, a 49" TV should do better than a 27" Monitor :-)

Anyway, if you goal is to try and accommodate more than 4 people (not all can sit on the sweet spot I guess), the 3D DLP stereo beamer setup offers a more viable option in my humble opinion.


Am 14.11.16 um 03:11 schrieb Matthias Wolf:
Hi Xavier et al,

I second Brian's opinion.
We have used a 49" 4k TV, a Sony Bravia X8500B for more than a year now with 
good results.
There is probably an updated model of this around.

Passive stereo 3D on this screen has better depth perception than the active 
stereo on the Asus VG278, although getting the parallax right is tricky. As 
Brian mentioned, the vertical position of the viewer is critical and there is a 
rather narrow sweet spot vertically, which might limit its use for a larger 
viewing room. It gives good stereo perception at a distance - sitting close to 
it can cause some eye strain in stereo if settings are not tweaked, but it is 
just a big screen! Despite the 4k resolution, the horizontal alternately 
polarized lines are still visible in stereo (resulting in half the vertical 
resolution), which is not a big deal, in particular from a distance. The nice 
thing is that there is absolutely no flicker or ghosting, since it does not use 
page-flipped stereo. But for modeling I still prefer the active stereo displays.

In 2D mode it works great as a 4k monitor and text appears crisp - the 
exception is red, which appears blurry and at low resolution (in particular on 
blue background - this must be due to the dye matrix). It is a great monitor 
replacement with a lot of screen real estate and I would recommend it as such. 
It also comes with an integrated camera. It is connected via HDMI 2.0 or 
display port and I have tested it with both, using NVidia quadro K5000 and 
GTX980 - the surprise was that windowed stereo worked just fine with the 
(non-quadro) GTX card (this was on windows server 2012R2, I didn't try it on 
linux). I tested wincoot, pymol, chimera and Amira in stereo, which all worked.


Dr.math. et dis. nat. Jeroen R. Mesters
Deputy, Senior Researcher & Lecturer
Program Coordinator /Infection Biology/ <>

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If you can look into the seeds of time and tell which grain will grow and which will not, speak then to me who neither beg nor fear (Shakespeare's Macbeth, Act I, Scene 3)
Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not about the Universe (Albert Einstein)
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