Dear Walt,

reflections close to the rotation axis stay in reflecting condition for a long 
time, where time is sensibly measured in degrees. Their intensities cannot be 
determined reliably, and I would think that most integrating programs, 
including HKL2000, reject such reflections.

Best regards,

On Wednesday, December 14, 2016 10:40:31 AM Hank wrote:
> Dear CCP4BB users,
> I have a question about Mosflm. The manual says green predictions have
> "reflection width greater than 5 degrees" and will not be integrated. I
> always
> assumed it should have something to do with Lorentz factor but not quite
> sure.
> Why is it so? I'm not aware of such geometrical restriction in HKL2000.
> Thank you!
> Walt
Paul Scherrer Institut
Dr. Tim Gruene
- persoenlich -
Principal Investigator
Biology and Chemistry
CH-5232 Villigen PSI

Phone: +41 (0)56 310 5297


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