Dear Colleague,
  The Laboratory of Crystallographic Studies is pleased to announce the 6th 
International School on Biological Crystallization (ISBC2017), to be held in 
Granada (Spain) during May 29th to Jun 02nd, 2017. ISBC2017 is intended for 
postgraduate/postdoctoral students and research scientists from industrial and 
academic backgrounds. 
  The International School will provide five days of lectures, posters and 
practical demonstrations focused on the fundamentals of crystallization. The 
aim of the School is to introduce all participants into the fundamental 
knowledge about the behaviour of crystallizing solutions and their applications 
to the field of biological crystallization, including large crystals for 
neutron diffraction and tiny crystals for XFEL. This year we will focus on the 
crystallization of membrane proteins, protein complexes characterization, 
including EM, and biomineralization.
        For more information, please visit
        Best regards,
        ISBC 2017 Organizing Committee

•       Bernhard Rupp, k. k. Hofkristallamt, US.
•       Terese Bergfors, Uppsala University, Sweden.
•       Janet Newman, CSIRO, Australia.
•       Allan D´Arcy, Actelion Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland.
•       Martin Caffrey, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
•       Petra Fromme, Arizona State University, US.
•       Juan Manuel Garcia-Ruiz, IACT, CSIC-UGR, Spain.
•       Jeroen Mesters, University of Lüebeck, Germany.
•       Marc Pusey, iXpressGenes, Huntsville, US.
•       Howard Einspahr, IUCr Journal Comission, US.
•       José A. Gavira, IACT, CSIC-UGR, Spain.
•       Hudel Luecke, University of California, US.
•       Naoko Mizuno, Max Planck Institute, Germany.
•       Sergio Martínez, UGR, Spain.
•       Ivana Kuta Smatanova, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic.
•       Stephane Veesler, CINam-Marseille, France. (tbc)
•       Claude Sauter, IBMC, CNRS, France.
•       Christian Betzel, University of Hamburg, Germany.
•       Fermin Otálora, IACT, CSIC-UGR, Spain.
•       Guillermo Calero, University of Pittsburg, US.
•       Christian Biertümpfel, Max Planck Institute, Germany.
•       Edward H. Snell, Hauptman-Woodward Institute, Buffalo, US.
•       May Marsh, Swiss Light Source at Paul Scherrer Institut, Swiss.
•       Jose Manuel Martin-Garcia, Arizona State University, US.
•       Giuseppe Falini, University of Bolonia, Italia.
•       Karim Benzerara, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France.
•       Helmut Cölfen, University of Konstanz, Germany.
•       Monica Budayova-Spano, Université Grenoble Alpes, France.
•       Yves Nys, URA, INRA, France
•       Pavlina Rezachova, University of Prague, Czech Republic.
♣       Nucleation: Classical and non-classical approaches.
♣       Crystal growth kinetics and mechanisms.
♣       Properties of macromolecular solutions (DLS/SAXS).
♣       Screening: The search for crystallization conditions.
♣       Crystallization techniques: Batch, Vapour and Counter Diffusion, How do 
they work?
♣       Crystallization and diffusion transport: gels, microfluidics and 
♣       Crystallization of large crystals for Neutron diffraction.
♣       In vivo crystallization of tiny crystals.
♣       Novel crystallization strategies for XFEL studies.
♣       Serial Crystallography. 
♣       Polymorphism in protein crystals.
♣       Case studies in Membrane Protein Crystallization.
♣       Lipid cubic phase, bicelles and detergents.
♣       Crystallization of Macromolecular Complexes.
♣       Characterization by electron microscopy (EM).
♣       In vitro and in vivo studies of Biomineralization processes.

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