Dear all,

I have two questions.  I would like to find out the community consensus of (1) 
best practices in refining against  lower resolution data (~4 angstrom) to 
achieve the best model, and also (2) what manuscript referees should ask for in 
this regard.  One might encounter a hypothetical situation where standard 
refinement approaches gave a model with poor Ramachandran statistics.  Imposing 
Ramachandran restraints gave a model with improved Ramachandran statistics but 
at the expense of higher Rfree.  I would expect that the model with better 
geometry is probably more reliable, and wonder if this is the general consensus 
view?  I also wonder should a referee be the geometry police, or should 
authors/depositors have discretion to submit/publish the model they prefer so 
long as refinement protocol is accurately described and weaknesses such as poor 
Ramachandran statistics are evident in the presentation of the data and not 

Thanks for your input!


Evette S. Radisky, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Consultant
Department of Cancer Biology
Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
Griffin Cancer Research Building, Rm 310
4500 San Pablo Road
Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 953-6372

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