On 10/04/2017 20:14, Xiao Lei wrote:
Thanks Paul,

I tried, it failed with a message as below:
Coot>> set-symmetry-shift-search-size 2
BL Warning:: Python syntax error!
   (or you attempted to use an invalid guile command..)
Python error:
invalid, syntax (<string>, line1)
<type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>

You are mixing python and scheme commands. If you use python it should be:


... and in scheme there should be parenthesis around the command (see http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de/ccp4wiki/index.php/Coot#Python_to_Scheme_and_return).



On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Paul Emsley <pems...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
<mailto:pems...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>> wrote:

    On 10/04/17 18:39, Xiao Lei wrote:

        Hi All,

        I am using Coot 0.8.3 EL on Mac OS X 10.10.  After I generate
        symmetric molecule by Draw---> Cell & Symmetry.  I found double
        click a residue in symmetric molecules will give me a label
        sometime but not always. I do not know if anyone has similar

    Try applying the solution described for Missing Symmetry in the
    manual (4.11.1).


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