in case if you are in contact with Master students:

for this list the most relevant speciality is the Master 2 of  "Integrative Structural Biology (ISB)".

Wim Burmeister

Dear colleagues,


The call for application 2017 for the GRAL Master 2 scholarships is open and we decided to push the fence to  May 31th 2017.


Here is the link to the dedicated page on the GRAL website :


Thank you in advance for your kind collaboration.


My best regards .










The Labex GRAL program in collaboration with the University of Grenoble seeks applications for Master 2 scholarships. The candidates should be interested in any of the research topics proposed below by the groups associated with the GRAL program at IBS ( and BIG ( and should enter one of the 10 Grenoble Master 2 program also indicated below.
The successful candidates will receive from the GRAL Labex a scholarship of 8 000 € in order to cover the academic year from September to June, which includes 4 month of courses and 6 month of laboratory training. A maximum of 10 scholarships are available this year.
Please note that the candidates must deposit a file to the University from May 2017 
The file you send to the GRAL LABEX is only dedicated to the scholarship.
You should at least send us a letter of acceptance from the head of the M2 Program 

Candidates to the Master 2 research scholarships must present a Master 1 diploma or any equivalent. If you are not registered and accepted in one of the dedicated M2 program, you can’t obtain the GRAL scholarship.



Contact :


List of the UGA Master 2 available in this program


1.       Masters in biology (Taught in English):

-          Integrative Structural Biology (ISB)

-          Physiology, Epigenetics Development, Cell Differentiation (PHEDD)

-          Neurosciences, Neurobiology (NN)

-          Immunology, Microbiology, Infectious Diseases (IMID)



2.       Masters in Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution (Taught in French):

-          Dynamique et Modélisation de la Biodiversité

-          Gestion de l’Environnement




3.       Masters in Physics (Taught in English and French):

-          Matière complexe, matière vivante (MCMV)



4.       Masters in Nanosciences, nanotechnologies (Taught in English):

-          Nano-chemistry

-          Nano-biosciences

-          Nano-physics





Chargée de valorisation et de transfert de technologie-LABEX-GRAL

CEA / Institut de Biosciences & Biotechnologies de Grenoble

17 rue des martyrs, F-38054 Grenoble Cedex 9

Tel:  +33 (0)4 38 78 05 78 / Mobile: +33 (0)6 47 91 62 75








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