Opportunities exist for up to two postdoctoral scholars, available August 1, 
2017, to investigate innate immunity in insects, its role in development, and 
in the transmission of infectious diseases. You will join an interdisciplinary 
group using biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology, and cell-based assays 
in collaboration with experts at the organismal level. Your objective will be 
to elucidate novel molecular mechanisms of immunity, and new connections 
between invertebrate and human immune responses, that can be leveraged to 
predict and disrupt disease transmission.
For more information, visit http://baxterlab.yale.edu.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in chemistry, biophysics, biochemistry, 
molecular biology, or related discipline, record of peer-reviewed publication, 
and familiarity with standard laboratory techniques such as PCR/molecular 
biology, protein expression and purification, and analysis of proteins and 
nucleic acids by spectroscopy, electrophoresis, etc. The following skills are 
of specific interest:

Project 1: Structural analysis of complement-like proteins in the immune 
response of Anopheles gambiae to Plasmodium infection. Expertise in structural 
techniques such as x-ray crystallography, electron microscopy, small angle 
x-ray scattering, and/or mass-spectrometry techniques for quantitation. 
Experience in eukaryotic cell culture, especially baculovirus expression vector 
systems (BEVS).

Project 2: Functional analysis of Drosophila thioester-containing proteins in 
immunity and development. Expertise in cell-based assays such as flow 
cytometry, microscopy, RNAi knockdown and qPCR, Analysis of protein-protein 
interactions by proteomics/mass-spectrometry. Experience in eukaryotic cell 
culture, including genetic manipulation or antibody production.

Interested applicants please send (i) cover letter, (ii) curriculum vitae, and 
(iii) name and contact information for three references to Prof. Richard Baxter 
by email: richard.bax...@yale.edu.

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