Dear Michael,

as said in this thread, careful re-integration (or other programs) might give 
you better data. If using XDS, you could try RELRAD=7 (or even 10 if the 
background is very low; the default is 5) in INTEGRATE  (this as yet 
undocumented option is in the latest XDS and determines the radius of the 
background area relative to that of the peak; 
BEAM_DIVERGENCE/BEAM_DIVERGENCE_E.S.D.) Of course, all other optimiatzion 
options should be tried.. 

On the other hand (and again as others already said), some of the stats look 
strange - the CC1/2 of 53% asks for extending the resolution, whereas the low 
<I/sigma> of 0.1 says it won't help much. You can evaluate radiation damage 
with the R_d plot from XDSSTAT. This is most easily produced and interpreted in 
XDSGUI - if the red fit line intersects the green level then this means that 
after this many frames, radiation damage starts dominating all other sources of 

Most importantly - which problem do you really need to solve? 3.5A structures 
are not unheard of, and can be published and deposited. Another 0.1A higher 
resolution may not help much. Is there a problem in refinement or map 
interpretation? What is current Rwork/Rfree overall and in the highest shell?



On Thu, 18 May 2017 11:47:30 +0000, Michael Jarva <> 

>Dear all,
>I have a dataset that have two very interesting properties: a) It's in I432, 
>and b) has a whooping 75% solvent content.
>You might think that the solvent content obviously is a big red flag, and so 
>did I, but I have phased this successfully with just one monomer, and the 
>packing result does makes a lot of sense. The resulting maps contain no extra 
>umodelled blobs, and trying to phase it with an additional molecules does not 
>give a good solution.
>The problem I have is that the diffraction intensity/Rmerge plummets/explodes 
>around the 3.5� mark (I assume because of the high solvent content) to such an 
>extent that even though I have little radiation damage, 100% completeness in 
>high resolution shells, and very high redundancy, any attempt to merge the 
>dataset at a higher resolution has so far given no improvement to the maps.
>I'm hoping that there might be a few tricks out there I can apply to the spot 
>finding/integration/scaling steps have it merge in a even slightly higher 
>resolution than I currently have been able to do.
>Although I have a feeling that the only thing I can do is to grow another, 
>much bigger, crystal�
>many thanks for any feedback
>See below for sample outputs from aimless:
>                                           Overall  InnerShell  OuterShell
>Low resolution limit                       43.50     43.50      3.32
>High resolution limit                       3.10      8.78      3.10
>Rmerge  (within I+/I-)                     0.079     0.010    21.891
>Rmerge  (all I+ and I-)                    0.081     0.011    22.502
>Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.084     0.011    23.102
>Rmeas (all I+ & I-)                        0.084     0.011    23.169
>Rpim (within I+/I-)                        0.027     0.004     7.335
>Rpim (all I+ & I-)                         0.020     0.003     5.450
>Rmerge in top intensity bin                0.010        -         -
>Total number of observations               34917      1495      6448
>Total number unique                         2057       112       362
>Mean((I)/sd(I))                             18.3     130.9       0.1
>Mn(I) half-set correlation CC(1/2)         1.000     1.000     0.533
>Completeness                                99.9      97.4     100.0
>Multiplicity                                17.0      13.3      17.8
>                                          Overall  InnerShell  OuterShell
>Low resolution limit                       43.50     43.50      3.84
>High resolution limit                       3.50      8.58      3.50
>Rmerge  (within I+/I-)                     0.052     0.011     2.422
>Rmerge  (all I+ and I-)                    0.056     0.012     2.659
>Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.055     0.011     2.553
>Rmeas (all I+ & I-)                        0.058     0.013     2.738
>Rpim (within I+/I-)                        0.017     0.004     0.804
>Rpim (all I+ & I-)                         0.014     0.003     0.644
>Rmerge in top intensity bin                0.010        -         -
>Total number of observations               24596      1690      6071
>Total number unique                         1462       120       343
>Mean((I)/sd(I))                             25.8     132.0       1.0
>Mn(I) half-set correlation CC(1/2)         1.000     1.000     0.771
>Completeness                                99.8      97.6     100.0
>Multiplicity                                16.8      14.1      17.7

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