HI Phil,

Yes, probably. However it’s still a mystery I would like to understand. Also, I 
use REBATCH for lots of things not just trimming data sets (i.e. manually 
updating BATCH numbers) and - this is the real fun one - if I rerun the 
processing with 900 images REBATCH works fine!

… following this train of thought …

Could this be as simple as MAXBAT needing to be reassigned / code recompiled? 
In this happy world of 100,000 image + data sets guess 5,000 images may not be 
enough (though the program does not check whether #batches > MAXBAT)

Anyhow, I suspect that the kernel of your message, that after 2.3 decades there 
are better tools available, is almost certainly correct. Will look elsewhere.

Thanks & best wishes Graeme

> On 6 Jul 2017, at 15:10, Phil Evans <p...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> REBATCH should generally be replaceable by Pointless I think
> Latest latest Pointless (prerelease update 043, version 1.11.3) removes batch 
> headers  for leading or trailing batch numbers which are not present in the 
> reflection list (for you, Graeme)
>> On 6 Jul 2017, at 15:04, Graeme Winter <graeme.win...@diamond.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Afternoon all,
>> Technical harking back to the 90’s FORTRAN CCP4 question if I may
>> I have an MTZ file which has no spots on first couple of images, so the 
>> batch headers at the start exist but there are no BATCH values which 
>> correspond to these in the actual reflection data
>> I have been bashing my head against the wall trying to get away from this 
>> error:
>> <!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B>
>> <hr>
>> <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><!--SUMMARY_BEGIN-->
>> <a name="outREBATCH"><h3>Output File</h3></a>
>> <!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B>
>> *** Wrong batch! batch number in file is       3, batch number from internal 
>> lookup        1
>> <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><!--SUMMARY_BEGIN-->
>> REBATCH:   *** Crazy batch number ***
>> REBATCH:   *** Crazy batch number ***
>> Times: User:       0.6s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:01
>> </pre>
>> </html>
>> <!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B>
>> Does anyone out there know how one should “fix” this?
>> MTZDUMP output follows, which all looks sensible to me…
>> I also find the following at the top of the source code ;o)
>> C     REBATCH
>> C     Copyright (C) 1994 Phil Evans
>> However I am certain other experts out there will also be able to help
>> I’ve worked my way through the source code but can’t really work out what is 
>> happening here...
>> Cheers Graeme
>> <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><!--SUMMARY_BEGIN-->
>> <html> <!-- CCP4 HTML LOGFILE -->
>> <hr>
>> <!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B>
>> <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><!--SUMMARY_BEGIN-->
>> <pre>
>> ###############################################################
>> ###############################################################
>> ###############################################################
>> ### CCP4 7.0.042: MTZDUMP              version 1.1 :         ##
>> ###############################################################
>> User: graeme  Run date:  6/ 7/2017 Run time: 14:59:21
>> Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 2011.
>> "Overview of the CCP4 suite and current developments". Acta Cryst. D67, 
>> 235-242.
>> as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.
>> <!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B>
>> Logical Name: HKLIN   Filename: integrated.mtz
>> * Title:
>> from dials.export_mtz
>> * Base dataset:
>>       0 HKL_base
>>         HKL_base
>>         HKL_base
>> * Number of Datasets = 1
>> * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:
>>       1 DIALS
>>         XTAL
>>         FROMDIALS
>>            54.2171   57.9174   66.5815   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
>>            0.96770
>> * Number of Columns = 17
>> * Number of Reflections = 2004565
>> * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file
>> * Number of Batches = 12000
>> * HISTORY for current MTZ file :
>> From DIALS 1.dev.1541-ge526b95f, run on 06/07/2017 at 13:55:27
>> * Column Labels :
>> DQE
>> * Column Types :
>> H H H Y B J Q J Q R R R R R R R R
>> * Associated datasets :
>> 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
>> * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)
>>  54.2171   57.9174   66.5815   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
>> *  Resolution Range :
>>   0.00052    0.68412     (     43.698 -      1.209 A )
>> * Sort Order :
>>     0     0     0     0     0
>> * Space group = 'P222' (number     16)
>> Batch number:
>>     1    Batch 1
>> Batch number:
>>     2    Batch 2
>> Batch number:
>>     3    Batch 3
>> Batch number:
>>     4    Batch 4
>> Batch number:
>>     5    Batch 5
>> Batch number:
>>     6    Batch 6
>> Batch number:
>>     7    Batch 7
>> Batch number:
>>     8    Batch 8
>> Batch number:
>>     9    Batch 9
>> ——————8<——————
>> Batch number:
>> 11997    Batch 11997
>> Batch number:
>> 11998    Batch 11998
>> Batch number:
>> 11999    Batch 11999
>> Batch number:
>> 12000    Batch 12000
>> M/ISYM located at column    4
>> BATCH located at column    5
>> OVERALL FILE STATISTICS for resolution range   0.001 -   0.684
>> =======================
>> Col Sort    Min    Max    Num      %     Mean     Mean   Resolution   Type 
>> Column
>> num order               Missing complete          abs.   Low    High       
>> label
>>  1 NONE     0      36      0  100.00     15.0     15.0  43.70   1.21   H  H
>>  2 NONE     0      39      0  100.00     16.6     16.6  43.70   1.21   H  K
>>  3 NONE     0      49      0  100.00     18.2     18.2  43.70   1.21   H  L
>>  4 NONE     1       8      0  100.00      4.4      4.4  43.70   1.21   Y  
>>  5 ASC      3   11998      0  100.00   5997.2   5997.2  43.70   1.21   B  
>>  6 NONE   -1.6   894.4     0  100.00    14.30    14.31  43.70   1.21   J  IPR
>>  7 NONE    0.0    16.5     0  100.00     1.92     1.92  43.70   1.21   Q  
>>  8 NONE   -5.8   982.8     0  100.00    15.95    16.09  43.70   1.21   J  I
>>  9 NONE    0.0    17.4     0  100.00     2.38     2.38  43.70   1.21   Q  
>> 10 NONE    0.0   140.2     0  100.00     6.29     6.29  43.70   1.21   R  BG
>> 11 NONE    0.0    13.4     0  100.00     2.59     2.59  43.70   1.21   R  
>> 12 BOTH    1.0     1.0     0  100.00     1.00     1.00  43.70   1.21   R  
>> 13 NONE    7.5  2062.3     0  100.00  1032.71  1032.71  43.70   1.21   R  
>> 14 NONE    6.9  2160.1     0  100.00  1084.27  1084.27  43.70   1.21   R  
>> 15 NONE    0.2  1199.8     0  100.00   599.47   599.47  43.70   1.21   R  ROT
>> 16 NONE    0.0     0.7     0  100.00     0.44     0.44  43.70   1.21   R  LP
>> 17 NONE    0.8     0.9     0  100.00     0.87     0.87  43.70   1.21   R  DQE
>> No. of reflections used in FILE STATISTICS  2004565
>> -- 
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