Hi Derek,

I have attached a script. Drop it in your ~/.coot-preferences directory and restart your Coot. Should work (not tested). If you want a specific mtz file, then you will have to use x-n-open via Calculate -> Scripting -> Scheme.

;; return a list of map numbers
(define (x-n-open mtz-file-name)

  (map (lambda (col-pair)
         (make-and-draw-map mtz-file-name (car col-pair) (cadr col-pair) "" 0 
(caddr col-pair)))
        (list "2FOFCWT_xray"    "PH2FOFCWT_xray"    0)
        (list  "FOFCWT_xray"       "FOFCWT_xray"    1)
        (list "2FOFCWT_neutron" "PH2FOFCWT_neutron" 0)
        (list  "FOFCWT_neutron"    "FOFCWT_neutron" 1))))

(if (defined? 'coot-main-menubar)
    (let ((menu (coot-menubar-menu "Neutron")))
       menu "Quick-load MTZ"
       (lambda () (x-n-open (most-recently-created-file "*.mtz" "."))))))

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