Dear all,
the first ultimate storage ring MAXIV in Lund, Sweden has opened the 2. user 
call to receive proposals requesting beamtime at BioMAX for the period 
Dec.2017-July 2018 until September 7, 2017.
In order to submit a new proposal, please visit this page:

BioMAX started its user operation in March 2017 and could successfully operate 
already around 50 proposals within a limited number of user operations. Within 
the next beam period we will ramp up the operations and will offer BioMAX to 
the broad international user community. The beam line is under continuous 
commissioning and will offer the following features during the next user period:

        • 20x5 µm^2 beam focus at sample position (can be further reduced by 
        • Average exposure time between 8-10 msec / frame
        • Tuneable energy range 5-20 keV
        • Initial sample changer capability using SPINE samples and ESRF pucks, 
later also UNIPucks possible with ISARA sample changer
        • Eiger 16M hybrid pixel detector 130 Hz frame rate for 16M mode
        • MD3 micro diffractometer
        • HClab crystal dehydration device with fast nozzle changer for crystal 
dehydration and room temperature data collections
        • MXCuBE3 experiment control software
        • Automatic data processing during data collection
        • Standard crystallographic software installed
        • 600 core HPC environment availalbe 
        • Sample preparation laboratory for crystal handling

MAXIV is member of the EU project iNEXT, which also supports travel and 
accommodation for international user groups (See also: On campus, we will have a guesthouse available, which 
can be booked via MAXIV before the beamtime as well. 
We are looking forward for your beamtime proposals and the collaboration during 
your stay at MAXIV.

Uwe & the MAXIV MX-team!

Uwe Mueller
Group manager diffraction & scattering beamlines
BioMAX beam line manager

MAX IV Laboratory
Lund University
P.O. Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Visiting address: Fotongatan 2, 225 94 Lund
Mobile:  +46(0)730-655268

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