Blob one is something possibly distorted by alternate partial occupancy
binding sites near a symmetry axis. Blob 2 could be a chloride ion, or if
that is not enough density, maybe bicarbonate. Blob 1 seems to be attracted
two His residues, of the things in your mixture, Mg(II) seems possible or
Cl-. Blob 2 is less likely to be  metal around those Arg residues, but Cl-
or bicarbonate are possible and well-known in this kind of coordination
environment. Cl- is in your mixture, and bicarbonate can accumulate,
especially at alkaline pH from atmospheric CO2.


Roger Rowlett

On Oct 2, 2017 6:06 PM, "Lucas" <> wrote:

I'm in the later stages of solving a structure which contains two
tetramers in the asymetric unit. I found these two blobs (in
equivalent positions on each tetramer) with positively charged
residues around it. Crystallization condition is Magnesium chloride,
Bis-tris and PEG3350. While the second blob looks like a metal, the
first one has a weird shape even though they are expected to have the
same thing. Any ideas?


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