Dear all,

I would like to draw attention to the availability of enhanced support for sample preparation and characterization for SAXS and macromolecular crystallography at EMBL Hamburg. For SAXS, this includes biophysical characterization and optimization of samples, access to the P12 BioSAXS beamline and, if needed, assistance in data analysis. For MX, the access includes high-throughput crystallization, automatic crystal harvesting and data collection on the EMBL beamlines P13 and P14.

The point of access for support is the Sample Preparation & Characterization (SPC) facility:

Researchers within the European research area can apply for sponsored access through iNEXT, which includes sample shipment, travel from the home lab and all consumables:

To obtain iNEXT access, a proposal should be submitted that describes the
biological background and translation research component of the project.
Interested scientists are encouraged first to contact the facility at

Best regards,

Rob Meijers

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