Dear all,

Could you pass the following announcement on to suitable candidates (including 
yourselves, of course) ?

Thank you.

Fred. Vellieux

Fred. Vellieux (Ph.D., HDR)
Centre of Molecular Structure
Institute of Biotechnology
Czech Academy of Sciences, BIOCEV
Prumyslova 595
252 50 Vestec
Czech Republic

Tel +420 325 873 786

Open position at the Centre of Molecular Structure, Institute of Biotechnology, 

Specialist in biological X-ray techniques, especially small-angle X-ray 
scattering (SAXS) and single crystal X-ray diffraction (plus crystallisation), 
full time

The Centre of Molecular Structure (CMS), part of CIISB (the Czech 
Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology) and one of the European 
network ERIC-Instruct sites, is operated by the Institute of Biotechnology CAS 
v.v.i. (Biocev, Vestec, central Bohemia, Czech Republic). The CMS is a 
technology platform providing access to scientific instrumentation and service 
to researchers, mostly working in "life sciences".  Details of the scientific 
equipment and services provided at the CMS can be consulted on and links 

We are looking for a specialist in X-ray techniques. The focus of the position 
is to provide excellent service in maintaining and operating a newly acquired 
state-of-the-art SAXS line and partially also the X-ray diffraction and 
crystallisation platform. User support providing training, assistance or 
sometimes full service (depending on the particular case) is also expected.

The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to collaborate in 
exciting research projects involving X-rays (both diffraction and scattering) 
in IBT research groups focused on structural biology. For such additional 
duties (that will represent up to 50% of the time),  practical knowledge of 
protein and nucleic acid purification and crystallisation is a plus. 
Participation to data collection trips at synchrotron radiation beam lines is 

The applicants (preferably having Ph.D. level experience) must have practical 
experience with bio-SAXS and have a strong interest in providing training and 
assistance to users and students.

The position offered is for an initial period of three years, with the 
possibility of renewal.

Applications (in electronic format, Word document or pdf files preferred) 
including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of 
three referees must be sent to the main office of the Institute of 

Institute of Biotechnology CAS, v.v.i.
Prumyslova 595
252 50 Vestec
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 325 873 700

Any questions regarding this position can be directed to
Dr Frederic Vellieux,
or Dr Jan Dohnalek,

Application deadline: 15 December 2017

Expected starting date: within the period January - March 2018


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