Hello CCP4bb, 

I'm having some trouble with my installation of CCP4i2. I keep getting a 
persistent error about the "Wrapper" in various programs and am not sure what I 
need to do to fix it. I have tried reinstalling via the package manager (64b 
linux) and still get the error. So far it has happened in Molrep, Phaser, 
Refmac and Morda (see below). I can provide log files if anyone thinks they can 




-ERROR- morda_i2_gui:9 Error in wrapper morda_i2 0.1:: Failed starting external 
process - is this program installed/accessible? 
Process: /home/horrells/ccp4-7.0/libexec/python2.7 

-ERROR- morda_i2_gui:47 Error in wrapper morda_i2 0.1:: Error in checking 
external process after completion 
exit status and code: 1 1 


-ERROR- None:201 Error in wrapper refmac 0.0:: Refmac returned with non zero 
Exit code: 1 


-ERROR- None:9 Error in wrapper refmac 0.0:: Failed starting external process - 
is this program installed/accessible? 
Process: /home/horrells/ccp4-7.0/bin/refmac5 

-ERROR- None:47 Error in wrapper refmac 0.0:: Error in checking external 
process after completion 
exit status and code: 1 1 

PHASER (Expert and Basic) 

-ERROR- phaser_MR_AUTO_gui:48 Error in wrapper phaser_MR_AUTO 0.0:: No 
description available 
-ERROR- phaser_pipeline_gui:207 Error in wrapper phaser_pipeline 0.0:: No 
description available 
No output files in list 

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